Tuesday, March 22, 2011

born body caged, ebony triangles covering negative space

David Wojnarowicz

waking moments
days spent lost with you
creating candy solar systems
through childlike imaginations
lines we walk that never connect
beyond the rainbow dreams flourish from raindrops beating on your tin roof
values of light ushering ghosts to follow through
sliding down so far the exit looks like a forgotten halo
angels found me naked next to my corpse a box of collected knickknacks
I never wanted to be liked, just loved
somewhere beneath loathing must be the fallen fruits from surrealist trees
coral fangs and tangerine guillotines
goodbye letters return to flight
sharp, hollow figures of black and white stop me from sleeping
cluttered rooms and name calling make feel at home
steps on the toes mistaken for admiration
magic found in water
roses smelling of forgiveness
disappointment turning into creeping shadows looking for ways to elongate their image
subtracting pen marks is almost impossible, you must always add on
pregnant joints erasing the reality of organized time,
marry me stranger I am a widower of influences that couldn't make it

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